
Learners carry out postproduction processes to produce a competent final original audio-visual media product


Logging Rushes

Offline Edit

Using the script and storyboard as a guide, I have pieced together the scenes. Some shots have been added in as we shot more coverage than needed and certain shots suited the narrative of the scenes better than those originally planned. To make the transitions between the scenes more fluid, I will add glitch effects along with a sound effect. I will also add a colour grade to the footage to help create a darker and moody tone.

Visual Effects

Numerous effects were added to the footage in order to progress the tone and narrative fo the film.

Colour Grading

Each shot was colour corrected so that the Exposure was balanced and the White Balance was correct before a colour grade was added. I used one of Premiere's LUTs to add a blueish tone over the entirety of the footage



Titles and Credits

I added the title of the film at the beginning as well as a credit roll at the end. To do this, I used the Legacy Title tool in Premiere. To create the credit roll, once in the Legacy Title, I selected the Create Roll option.

Blend Mode with Overlay

To make the glitch-like effect, I copied the clip and placed it above the original. I then changed the Blend Mode to Darken and adjusted the positioning and scale of the clip. I also keyframed those aspects to fluctuate the effect.



Linking Audio to Visual
An external microphone and recorder were used to record the audio for each scene, however, the recordings for the final scene with the confrontation between Jack and Alex was not usable as the majority of the clips didn't contain the full dialogue.

In Adobe Audition, I loaded all of the sound clips that had been labelled and began to edit them to create a louder and cleaner sound. 

My workflow was the following:

  • Noise Reduction (Removes background Noise)
  • Graphic Equalizer (20 Bands) ( Controls the EQ)
  • Parametric Equalizer (Further EQ control)
  • Hard Limiter (Increases loudness)
  • Single-Band Compressor (Compresses Peaks)
  • Normalize (Equalises Peaks)

Each effect was adjusted to suit what the individual clip needed.

After editing in Audition, I imported the clips into the Premiere project and began to sync them with the visuals, using the in-camera sound as a guide. I kept the in-camera audio but lowered the volume levels to around -10db to help with the room ambience.

I also added a Constant Power effect at the beginning and end of each audio clip to create a smoother transition between them. The effect essentially fades the clip out or into the next one.

Once the audio was linked, I began adding in sound effects and music. I lined the sound effects up such as the gunshot with the visual of Jack holding the gun. With the music, I underlaid the tracks beneath certain scenes to help build tension and the emotion fo the scene.


This is an overview of the entire timeline. A1 and A2 contain the dialogue tracks with A1 being in-camera sound and A2 the externally recorded ones. The A3 track contains the sound effects and A4 and A5 hold the music tracks. The pink coloured tracks in the Video section are the titles and the Adjustment Layer which contains the colour graded with the LUT. The blue tracks are all of the footage.

Final Edit
